Read online The Woman and the Lyre: Women Writers in Classical Greece and Rome - Jane McIntosh Snyder file in ePub Online

Read online The Woman and the Lyre: Women Writers in Classical Greece and Rome - Jane McIntosh Snyder file in PDF

Beginning with Sappho in the seventh century B.C.E and ending with Egeria in the fifth century C.E., Snyder profiles ancient Greek and Roman women writers, including lyric and elegiac poets and philosophers and other prose writers. The writers are allowed to speak for themselves, with as much translation from their extant works provided in text as possible. In addition to

Title : The Woman and the Lyre: Women Writers in Classical Greece and Rome
Author : Jane McIntosh Snyder
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 03, 2021

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