Read online A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity Part I: Human Civilization, Origins and Evolution - Ramtha Ramtha file in ePub Online

Read A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity Part I: Human Civilization, Origins and Evolution - Ramtha Ramtha file in ePub

Human Civilization, Origins and Evolution, Part I of A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity, tells the story of the origins of humanity before the creation of the physical universe and how it evolved into the first man and woman. This part also describes the genetic manipulation of the human race by other advanced races and how the ancient wisdom of our true

Title : A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity Part I: Human Civilization, Origins and Evolution
Author : Ramtha Ramtha
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 03, 2021

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