Download Even though I feel so alone, I choose to love and accept myself anyway: An EFT/Tapping Journal to release emotional blocks and feel better about life - | PDF Online

Download Even though I feel so alone, I choose to love and accept myself anyway: An EFT/Tapping Journal to release emotional blocks and feel better about life -  | PDF

EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy) or tapping, can immensely improve your emotional and physical wellbeing. The key is to use it consistently on both the big, obvious challenges in your life, and the smaller issues which you most often choose to ignore. It tends to be the smaller issues which take up most of your energy and clearing these would allow you to get to the root

Title : Even though I feel so alone, I choose to love and accept myself anyway: An EFT/Tapping Journal to release emotional blocks and feel better about life
Author :
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 03, 2021

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