Read online Hybrid Nanomaterials: Design, Synthesis, and Biomedical Applications - Weibo Cai file in ePub Online

Download Hybrid Nanomaterials: Design, Synthesis, and Biomedical Applications - Weibo Cai | ePub

Over the last decade, an unprecedented expansion in the field of nanomedicine has resulted in the development of new nanomaterials for diagnosis and therapy of various diseases such as cancer. This book covers the design, synthesis and applications of various functionally-hybridized nanomaterials for biomedical applications. It includes strategies for design and synthesis

Title : Hybrid Nanomaterials: Design, Synthesis, and Biomedical Applications
Author : Weibo Cai
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 03, 2021

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