Download Hey Kids! Let's Visit New York City: Fun Facts and Amazing Discoveries for Kids - Teresa Mills file in ePub Online

Read Hey Kids! Let's Visit New York City: Fun Facts and Amazing Discoveries for Kids - Teresa Mills file in ePub

Fun and Exciting Facts about things to do in New York City! Hey Kids! Did you knowThere is a beach and amusement park only a subway ride away from downtown Manhattan - and the National Hot Dog Eating Contest is held there every July 4?In NYC you can see a Chinese parade in the afternoon and then visit a real Italian restaurant at night?There's a 60 foot tall Ferris

Title : Hey Kids! Let's Visit New York City: Fun Facts and Amazing Discoveries for Kids
Author : Teresa Mills
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 03, 2021

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