Download Spectacular Television: Exploring Televisual Pleasure (International Library of the Moving Image) - Helen Wheatley | PDF Online

Read Spectacular Television: Exploring Televisual Pleasure (International Library of the Moving Image) - Helen Wheatley | ePub

In terms of visual impact, television has often been regarded as inferior to cinema. It has been characterised as sound-led and consumed by a distracted audience. Today, it is tempting to see the rise of HD television as ushering in a new era of spectacular television. Yet since its earliest days, the medium has been epitomised by spectacle and offered its viewers diverse

Title : Spectacular Television: Exploring Televisual Pleasure (International Library of the Moving Image)
Author : Helen Wheatley
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 03, 2021

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