Read Collaborations Within and Between Dramatherapy and Music Therapy: Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities in Clinical and Training Contexts - Amelia Oldfield file in ePub Online

Download Collaborations Within and Between Dramatherapy and Music Therapy: Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities in Clinical and Training Contexts - Amelia Oldfield file in ePub

In this insightful book, Oldfield and Carr draw together persuasive arguments for combining aspects of music therapy and dramatherapy, whilst retaining their unique facets.Building on the many links between music and drama and the compatibility between the two disciplines, the authors explore how artistic aspects of each therapy can be drawn on to create fresh ways of

Title : Collaborations Within and Between Dramatherapy and Music Therapy: Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities in Clinical and Training Contexts
Author : Amelia Oldfield
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 03, 2021

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